Перевод: со всех языков на все языки

со всех языков на все языки

all the boys

  • 1 all the best

    n infml

    All the best, boys — Всего хорошего, парни

    I'd like to conclude my remarks by wishing our friend all the very best on his retirement — И в заключение я хотел бы пожелать нашему товарищу всего самого наилучшего и, конечно, заслуженного отдыха

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > all the best

  • 2 all (the) colours of the rainbow

       вcex цвeтoв paдуги, paзнoцвeтный, мнoгoцвeтный
        ◘ Several of the boys in their bright shorts all colors of the rainbow had risen upright at their desks (J. Updike)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > all (the) colours of the rainbow

  • 3 one of the boys etc

    n infml

    I really like him. He's one of the boys — Он свой парень, он мне действительно нравится

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > one of the boys etc

  • 4 in (all) fairness to the boys it should be said …

    in (all) fairness to the boys it should be said …
    in alle eerlijkheid moet worden opgemerkt dat de jongens …

    English-Dutch dictionary > in (all) fairness to the boys it should be said …

  • 5 all

    كُلّ \ all: the whole number or amount of: All the boys have spent all their money. each: every one (of two or more) considered separately: I gave each boy a ball. I gave a ball to each of them. They each had one. They sat on each side of me. The balls cost 60 pence each. either: both of two; each: His sons sat on either side of him. every: each one, not leaving out any: The sun rises every day, (with few or a number) again and again with a regular spacing between each time He visits me every few days (or every third day or every three days). single: (esp. with each and every) each one separately; each one, without exception: He comes here every single day. whole: complete; unbroken: Her spent the whole day (all the day) in bed. He swallowed it whole (in one piece).

    Arabic-English glossary > all

  • 6 all

    جَميع \ all: the whole number or amount of: All the boys have spent all their money.

    Arabic-English glossary > all

  • 7 all colours of the rainbow

    разноцветный, многоцветный [букв. все цвета радуги!]

    Falstaff: "...I was beaten myself into all the colours of the rainbow...." (W. Shakespeare, ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’, act IV, sc. 6) — Фальстаф: "...Меня самого разукрасили во все цвета радуги..."

    He turned all colours of rainbow and was temporally bereft of speech. (H. Pollitt, ‘Serving My Time’, ch. 6) — Цвет его лица постепенно менялся, приобретая поочередно все цвета радуги, и на какое-то время он потерял дар речи.

    Several of the boys in their bright shirts all colors of the rainbow had risen upright at their desks... (J. Updike, ‘The Centaur’, ch. I) — Несколько мальчишек в ярких разноцветных рубашках вскочили на парты...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > all colours of the rainbow

  • 8 all

    1. attributive adjective
    1) (entire extent or quantity of) ganz

    all dayden ganzen Tag

    all my money — all mein Geld; mein ganzes Geld

    stop all this noise/shouting! — hör mit dem Krach/Geschrei auf!

    2) (entire number of) alle

    all my books — all[e] meine Bücher

    where are all the glasses?wo sind all die Gläser?

    All Fools' Day — der 1. April

    3) (any whatever) jeglicher/jegliche/jegliches
    4) (greatest possible)

    in all innocencein aller Unschuld

    with all speedso schnell wie möglich

    2. noun

    one and all — [alle] ohne Ausnahme

    the happiest/most beautiful of all — der/die Glücklichste/die Schönste unter allen

    most of allam meisten

    he ran fastest of aller lief am schnellsten

    2) (every bit)

    all of it/the money — alles/das ganze od. alles Geld


    all of (coll.): (as much as) be all of seven feet tall — gut sieben Fuß groß sein

    4) (all things) alles

    all is not lostes ist nicht alles verloren

    most of allam meisten

    it was all but impossiblees war fast unmöglich

    all in allalles in allem

    it's all the same or all one to me — es ist mir ganz egal od. völlig gleichgültig

    you are not disturbing me at alldu störst mich nicht im geringsten

    nothing at allgar nichts

    not at all happy/well — überhaupt nicht glücklich/gesund

    not at all! — überhaupt nicht!; (acknowledging thanks) gern geschehen!; nichts zu danken!

    two [goals] all — zwei zu zwei; (Tennis)

    3. adverb

    all the better/worse [for that] — um so besser/schlimmer

    I feel all the better for itdas hat mir wirklich gut getan

    all at once(suddenly) plötzlich; (simultaneously) alle[s] zugleich

    be all for something(coll.) sehr für etwas sein

    be all in(exhausted) total od. völlig erledigt sein (ugs.)

    go all out [to do something] — alles daransetzen[, etwas zu tun]

    be all ready [to go] — (coll.) fertig [zum Weggehen] sein (ugs.)

    something is all rightetwas ist in Ordnung; (tolerable) etwas ist ganz gut

    work out all right — gut gehen; klappen (ugs.)

    that's her, all right — das ist sie, ganz recht

    yes, all right — ja, gut

    it's all right by or with me — das ist mir recht

    lie all round the roomüberall im Zimmer herumliegen

    I don't think he's all there(coll.) ich glaube, er ist nicht ganz da (ugs.)

    * * *
    [o:l] 1. adjective, pronoun
    1) (the whole (of): He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.) ganz
    2) (every one (of a group) when taken together: They were all present; All men are equal.) alle
    2. adverb
    1) (entirely: all alone; dressed all in white.) ganz
    2) ((with the) much; even: Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.) um so
    - academic.ru/94374/all-clear">all-clear
    - all-out
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - all-terrain vehicle
    - all along
    - all at once
    - all in
    - all in all
    - all over
    - all right
    - in all
    * * *
    [ɒ:l, AM also ɑ:l]
    I. adj attr, inv
    1. + pl n (the whole number of, every one of) alle
    are those \all the documents you can find? sind das alle Papiere, die du finden kannst?
    \all my glasses are broken alle meine [o meine ganzen] Gläser sind kaputt, meine Gläser sind alle [o fam allesamt] kaputt
    \all children should have a right to education alle Kinder sollten ein Recht auf Bildung haben
    \all her children go to public school alle ihre Kinder besuchen eine Privatschule, ihre Kinder besuchen alle [o fam allesamt] ein Privatschule
    20% of \all items sold had been reduced 20 % aller verkauften Artikel waren reduziert
    \all six [of the] men are electricians alle sechs [Männer] sind Elektriker
    I had to use \all my powers of persuasion ich musste meine ganze Überzeugungskraft aufbieten
    I've locked myself out — of \all the stupid things to do! ich habe mich ausgeschlossen! — wie kann man nur so blöd sein!
    on \all fours auf allen vieren
    from \all directions aus allen Richtungen
    \all the people alle [Leute]
    why did the take him, of \all people? warum haben sie ausgerechnet ihn genommen?
    \all the others alle anderen
    2. + sing n (the whole of) der/die/das ganze...
    they lost \all their money sie haben ihr ganzes Geld verloren
    \all day [long] den ganzen Tag [lang]
    \all her life ihr ganzes Leben
    for \all the money trotz des ganzen Geldes
    \all the time die ganze Zeit
    he was unemployed for \all that time er war all die Zeit [o die ganze Zeit über] [o während der ganzen Zeit] arbeitslos
    \all the way den ganzen [weiten] Weg
    \all week/year die ganze Woche/das ganze Jahr
    3. + sing n (every type of) jede(r, s)
    \all wood should be treated jedes Holz sollte [o alle Holzarten sollten] behandelt werden
    with \all haste [or speed] [or dispatch] ( form) so schnell wie möglich
    in \all honesty [or sincerity] ganz ehrlich
    with \all due respect,... bei allem Respekt,..., mit Verlaub,... geh
    with \all speed so schnell wie möglich
    in \all probability aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach
    5. (any whatever) jegliche(r, s)
    she denied \all knowledge of the matter sie stritt ab, irgendetwas über die Sache zu wissen
    beyond \all doubt jenseits allen Zweifels
    for \all trotz + gen
    for \all her money she is not happy trotz ihres ganzen Geldes ist sie nicht glücklich
    \all good things must come to an end ( prov) alles hat ein Ende
    ... and \all that jazz [or (pej!) rubbish]... und das ganze Zeug pej fam
    not as... as \all that:
    he's not as rich as \all that so reich ist er nun auch wieder nicht
    II. pron
    1. (the total, everybody, every one) alle
    the best-looking of \all der Bestaussehende von allen
    we saw \all of them wir haben [sie] alle gesehen
    \all of them [or they \all] liked the film der Film hat ihnen allen [o allen von ihnen] gefallen
    the house has four bedrooms, \all with balconies das Haus hat vier Schlafzimmer, alle mit Balkon
    her last novel was [the] best of \all ihr letzter Roman war der beste von allen
    \all but one of the pupils came to the outing bis auf einen Schüler nahmen alle am Ausflug teil
    \all and sundry jedermann, Gott und die Welt
    one and \all alle
    let's sing now one and \all! lasst uns jetzt alle zusammen singen!
    \all but... alle außer..., bis auf...
    2. (everything) alles
    it was \all very strange es war alles sehr seltsam
    \all is not lost yet noch ist nicht alles verloren
    tell me \all about it erzähl mir alles darüber
    he's eaten \all of it [or eaten it \all] er hat alles aufgegessen
    have you drunk \all of the milk? hast du die ganze Milch getrunken?
    first of \all zuerst; (most importantly) vor allem
    most of \all am meisten
    there are many professions which interest him, but most of \all, he'd like to be a zookeeper viele Berufe interessieren ihn, aber am liebsten wäre er Zoowärter
    \all in one alles in einem
    a corkscrew and bottle-opener \all in one ein Korkenzieher und Flaschenöffner in einem
    to give [or put] one's \all alles [o sein Letztes] geben
    and \all ( fam) und all dem
    what with the fog and \all, I'd really not drive tonight ( fam) bei dem Nebel und so möchte ich heute Nacht wirklich nicht fahren fam
    3. + relative clause (the only thing) alles
    it was \all that he had es war alles, was er hatte
    it's \all [that] I can do for you mehr kann ich nicht für dich tun
    \all I want is to be left alone ich will nur in Ruhe gelassen werden
    the remark was so silly, it was \all she could do not to laugh die Bemerkung war so dumm, dass sie sich sehr zusammenreißen musste, um nicht zu lachen
    \all [that] it takes is a little bit of luck man braucht nur etwas Glück
    that's \all I need right now ( iron) das hat mir jetzt gerade noch gefehlt pej
    for \all...:
    for \all I care,.... von mir aus...
    for \all I know,... (as far as I know) soviel [o soweit] ich weiß...; (I don't know) was weiß ich,...
    are the married? — for \all I know they could be sind sie verheiratet? — was weiß ich, schon möglich!
    where is she? — for \all I know she could be on holidays wo ist sie? — was weiß ich, vielleicht [ist sie] im Urlaub!
    4. (for emphasis)
    at \all überhaupt
    do you ever travel to the States at \all? fährst du überhaupt je in die Staaten?
    if at \all wenn überhaupt
    nothing [or not anything] at \all überhaupt nichts
    not at \all überhaupt nicht
    thanks very much for your help — not at \all, it was a pleasure vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe — keine Ursache [o nichts zu danken], es war mir ein Vergnügen
    and \all ( fam: as well) auch
    I'm coldyeah, me and \all mir ist kalt — ja, mir auch
    get one for me and \all bring mir auch einen
    \all for one, and one for \all ( saying) alle für einen, einer für alle
    in \all insgesamt
    that's £20 in \all das macht alles zusammen 20 Pfund
    \all in \all alles in allem
    \all of... (at least) mindestens...; (as much as) gut...; (as little as) ganze...
    it's going to cost \all of a million dollars das kostet mindestens eine Million Dollar
    the book has sold \all of 200/400,000 copies von dem Buch sind ganze 200/gut 400.000 Exemplare verkauft worden
    to be \all one to sb jdm egal [o gleich] sein
    \all told insgesamt
    they tried a dozen times \all told sie versuchten es insgesamt ein Dutzend Mal
    \all's well that ends well ( prov) Ende gut, alles gut prov
    III. adv inv
    1. (entirely) ganz, völlig
    it's \all about money these days heutzutage geht es nur ums Geld
    she's been \all round the world sie war schon überall auf der Welt
    to be \all in favour of sth ganz [o völlig] begeistert von etw dat sein
    \all in green ganz in Grün
    to be \all in one piece heil [o unbeschädigt] sein
    to be \all of a piece with sth mit etw dat völlig übereinstimmen
    to spill sth \all over the place/floor etw überall/über den gesamten Boden verschütten
    the baby got food \all over its bib das Baby hatte sich sein ganzes Lätzchen vollgekleckert
    to be \all over the place [or BRIT shop] ( fam) überall sein
    to be not \all that happy nicht gerade glücklich sein
    \all alone ganz allein
    \all along die ganze Zeit
    she's been fooling us \all along sie hat uns die ganze Zeit getäuscht
    to be \all over aus und vorbei sein
    to be \all for doing sth ganz dafür sein, etw zu tun
    my son is \all for spending the summer on the beach mein Sohn will den Sommer unbedingt am Strand verbringen
    the newspaper was \all advertisements die Zeitung bestand fast nur aus Anzeigen
    I was \all the family she ever had ich war die einzige Familie, die sie je hatte
    he was \all smiles er strahlte über das ganze Gesicht
    he's \all talk [or ( fam) mouth] er ist nur ein Schwätzer pej, er schwingt nur große Worte
    to be \all charm seinen ganzen Charme spielenlassen
    to be \all ears ganz Ohr sein
    to be \all eyes gespannt zusehen
    to be \all a flutter ganz aus dem Häuschen sein fam
    to be \all silk/wool aus reiner Seide/Wolle sein
    \all the... (even) umso...; (much) viel...
    \all the better [for that]! umso besser!
    now that he's a star he'll be \all the more difficult to work with jetzt wo er ein Star ist, wird die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm umso schwieriger sein
    I feel \all the better for your visit seit du da bist, geht es mir schon viel besser
    4. (for emphasis) äußerst, ausgesprochen
    she was \all excited sie war ganz aufgeregt
    now don't get \all upset about it nun reg dich doch nicht so [furchtbar] darüber auf
    your proposal is \all very well in theory, but... in der Theorie ist dein Vorschlag ja schön und gut, aber...
    \all too... nur zu...
    I'm \all too aware of the problems die Probleme sind mir nur zu gegenwärtig
    the end of the holiday came \all too soon der Urlaub war nur viel zu schnell zu Ende
    5. SPORT (to both sides)
    the score is three \all es steht drei zu drei [unentschieden] [o drei beide
    to not do sth \all that well (not really) etw nicht gerade toll tun fam
    she doesn't sing \all that well sie kann nicht besonders toll singen fam
    to not be \all that... (not as much as thought) so... nun auch wieder nicht sein
    he's not \all that important so wichtig ist er nun auch wieder nicht
    7. (nearly)
    \all but fast
    the party was \all but over when we arrived die Party war schon fast vorbei, als wir ankamen
    it was \all but impossible to read his writing es war nahezu unmöglich, seine Handschrift zu entziffern
    to go \all out for sth alles für etw akk tun
    \all in (exhausted)
    he felt \all in er war völlig erledigt; BRIT (including everything) alles inklusive
    the holiday cost £600 \all in alles inklusive hat der Urlaub hat 600 Pfund gekostet
    to be \all over sb ( pej: excessively enthusiastic) sich akk [geradezu] auf jdn stürzen; ( fam: harass) jdn total anmachen fam, über jdn herfallen ÖSTERR fam
    that's sb \all over das sieht jdm ähnlich
    he invited me out for dinner and then discovered he didn't have any money — that's Bill \all over! er lud mich ein, mit ihm auswärts zu essen, und merkte dann, dass er kein Geld bei sich hatte — typisch Bill!
    to be \all over the place [or BRIT shop] ( fam: badly organised) [völlig] chaotisch sein; (confused) völlig von der Rolle [o ÖSTERR daneben] sein fam
    \all round [or around] AM (in every way) rundum; (for each person) für alle
    that was a success/good performance \all round das war ein voller Erfolg/eine rundum gelungene Vorstellung
    he bought drinks \all round er gab eine Runde Getränke aus
    to be not \all there ( fam) nicht ganz richtig [im Kopf] sein fam, nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben fig fam
    to be \all up with sb ( fam)
    it looks as though it's \all up with us now es sieht so aus, als seien wir nun endgültig am Ende fam
    * * *
    with nouns plural alle; (singular) ganze(r, s), alle(r, s)When alle is used to translate all the it is not followed by the German article.

    all the problems have been solvedalle or sämtliche Probleme wurden gelöst

    all the tobacco —

    all the milk all the fruit — die ganze Milch, alle Milch das ganze Obst, alles Obst

    all day ( long) — den ganzen Tag (lang)

    all my books/friends — alle meine Bücher/Freunde, meine ganzen Bücher/Freunde

    they all came —

    I invited them allich habe sie alle eingeladen Note that it all is usually translated by alles alone:

    he took/spent it all — er hat alles genommen/ausgegeben

    it all happened so quickly — alles geschah so schnell, es geschah alles so schnell

    he's seen/done it all — für ihn gibt es nichts Neues mehr, ihn kann nichts mehr erschüttern (inf)

    what's all this/that about? — was soll das Ganze?

    what's all this/that? — was ist denn das?; (annoyed) was soll denn das!

    2. PRONOUN
    1) = everything alles

    I'm just curious, that's all — ich bin nur neugierig, das ist alles

    that's all he said — das ist alles, was er gesagt hat, mehr hat er nicht gesagt

    that is all (that) I can tell you — mehr kann ich Ihnen nicht sagen

    it was all I could do not to laughich musste an mich halten, um nicht zu lachen

    all of Paris/of the house — ganz Paris/das ganze Haus

    all of 5 kms/£5 —

    2) = everybody alle pl

    all who knew him — alle, die ihn kannten

    the score was two alles stand zwei zu zwei

    3. ADVERB
    (= quite, entirely) ganz

    dressed all in white, all dressed in white — ganz in Weiß (gekleidet)

    all dirty/excited etc — ganz schmutzig/aufgeregt etc

    an all wool carpet — ein reinwollener Teppich, ein Teppich aus reiner Wolle

    he ordered whiskies/drinks all round —

    4. NOUN
    __diams; one's all alles

    he staked his all on this race/deal — er setzte alles auf dieses Rennen/Unternehmen

    __diams; all along (= from the start) von Anfang an, die ganze Zeit (über)

    I feared that all along — das habe ich von Anfang an befürchtet, das habe ich schon die ganze Zeit (über) befürchtet

    he all but died —

    the party won all but six of the seats — die Partei hat alle außer sechs Sitzen or alle bis auf sechs Sitze gewonnen

    I'm all for it!ich bin ganz dafür __diams; all found insgesamt, alles in allem __diams; all in ( inf

    to be or feel all intotal erledigt sein (inf) __diams; all in all alles in allem

    all the hotter/prettier/happier etc — noch heißer/hübscher/glücklicher etc

    all the funnier because... — umso lustiger, weil...

    or vacation (US) — jetzt, wo ich Urlaub gemacht habe, gehts mir viel besser

    all the more so since... —

    all the same, it's a pity — trotzdem ist es schade

    it's all the same to me —

    he's all there/not all there — er ist voll da/nicht ganz da (inf) __diams; all too + adjective/adverb

    all too soon/quickly — viel zu or allzu früh/schnell

    he ate the orange, peel and all — er hat die ganze Orange gegessen, samt der Schale

    the whole family came, children and all — die Familie kam mit Kind und Kegel

    did/didn't you say anything at all? — haben Sie überhaupt etwas gesagt/gar or überhaupt nichts gesagt?

    I'm not at all sure, I'm not sure at all — ich bin mir ganz und gar nicht sicher, ich bin gar nicht ganz sicher

    I'm not at all angry etc, I'm not angry etc at all — ich bin überhaupt nicht wütend etc, ich bin ganz und gar nicht wütend etc

    for all that — trotz allem, trotzdem

    for all I know she could be ill —

    is he in Paris? – for all I know he could be — ist er in Paris? – schon möglich, was weiß ich!

    ten people in allinsgesamt zehn Personen __diams; all that ( US inf ) einfach super (inf)

    it's not all that bad, it's not as bad as all that — so schlimm ist es nun auch wieder nicht

    happiest/earliest/clearest etc of all —

    I like him best of allvon allen mag ich ihn am liebsten

    most of all —

    most of all I'd like to be... — am liebsten wäre ich...

    the best car of alldas allerbeste Auto __diams; to be all things to all men (person) sich mit jedem gutstellen; (thing, invention, new software etc) das Ideale sein

    a party which claims to be all things to all men — eine Partei, die behauptet, allen etwas zu bieten __diams; you all ( US inf ) ihr (alle); (to two people) ihr (beide)

    * * *
    all [ɔːl]
    A adj
    1. all, sämtlich, gesamt, vollständig, ganz:
    all one’s courage seinen ganzen Mut;
    all mistakes alle oder sämtliche Fehler;
    all my friends alle meine Freunde;
    all night (long) die ganze Nacht (hindurch);
    all (the) day, all day long den ganzen Tag, den lieben langen Tag;
    all day and every day tagelang; tagaus, tagein;
    open all day ganztägig geöffnet;
    a) die ganze Zeit (über),
    b) ständig, immer;
    at all times zu jeder Zeit, jederzeit;
    all the town die ganze Stadt, jedermann; day 6
    2. jeder, jede, jedes, alle pl:
    at all hours zu jeder Stunde;
    beyond all question ohne Frage, fraglos;
    in all respects in jeder Hinsicht;
    deny all responsibility jede Verantwortung ablehnen; sundry
    3. vollkommen, völlig, total, ganz, rein:
    all nonsense reiner Unsinn;
    all wool US reine Wolle; leg Bes Redew
    B adv
    1. ganz (u. gar), gänzlich, völlig:
    all alone ganz allein;
    all the um so …;
    all the better um so besser;
    she was all gratitude sie war voll(er) Dankbarkeit;
    she is all kindness sie ist die Güte selber;
    all one einerlei, gleichgültig;
    he is all for it er ist unbedingt dafür;
    all important äußerst wichtig, entscheidend;
    all mad völlig verrückt;
    all wrong ganz falsch; same C
    2. für jede Seite, beide:
    the score was two all das Spiel stand zwei zu zwei
    3. poet gerade, eben
    C pron alles:
    all of it alles, das Ganze;
    all of us wir alle;
    good night, all gute Nacht allerseits!;
    all of a year ein ganzes Jahr;
    it took me all of two days ich brauchte zwei volle oder ganze zwei Tage ( to do zu tun);
    that’s all das ist oder wäre alles;
    that’s all there is to it das ist die ganze Geschichte;
    all or nothing alles oder nichts;
    it’s all or nothing for es geht um alles oder nichts für;
    it all began die ganze Sache begann;
    and all that und dergleichen;
    when all is said and done letzten Endes, schließlich; end B 1
    D s
    1. alles:
    a) sein Hab und Gut,
    b) auch his all and all sein Ein und Alles
    2. oft All PHIL (Welt)All nBesondere Redewendungen: all along die ganze Zeit (über);
    a) rund(her)um, ringsumher,
    b) überall,
    c) durch die Bank umg, durchweg all in alles inklusive;
    be ( oder feel) all in umg total fertig oder erledigt sein;
    all in all alles in allem;
    his wife is all in all to him seine Frau bedeutet ihm alles;
    all out umg
    a) total fertig oder erledigt,
    b) auf dem Holzweg (im Irrtum),
    c) mit aller Macht ( for sth auf etwas aus), mit restlosem Einsatz,
    d) vollständig ( all-out) go all out umg
    a) alles daransetzen, aufs Ganze gehen,
    b) besonders SPORT das Letzte aus sich herausholen all over
    a) umg ganz und gar,
    b) überall,
    c) überallhin, in ganz England etc herum, im ganzen Haus etc herum,
    d) auch all over one’s body am ganzen Körper, überall that is Doug all over das ist ganz oder typisch Doug, das sieht Doug ähnlich;
    news from all over Nachrichten von überall her;
    be all over sb umg an jemandem einen Narren gefressen haben;
    a) ganz recht oder richtig,
    b) schon gut,
    c) in Ordnung (auch Person), engS. unbeschädigt,
    d) na schön!,
    e) umg mit Sicherheit, ohne Zweifel,
    f) erlaubt I’m all right bei mir ist alles in Ornung;
    he’s all right ihm ist nichts passiert;
    I’m all right, Jack umg Hauptsache, mir geht’s gut;
    a) geeignet sein oder passen für,
    b) annehmbar sein für it’s all right for you to laugh du hast gut lachen;
    I’m all right for money umg bei mir stimmt die Kasse;
    are you all right in that chair? sitzt du gut in dem Sessel?;
    is it all right if I’ …? darf ich …?;
    it’s all right with ( oder by) me von mir aus, ich habe nichts dagegen;
    he arrived all right er ist gut angekommen;
    a) rund(her)um, ringsumher,
    b) überall,
    c) durch die Bank umg, durchweg taken all round umg alles in allem;
    all there gewitzt, gescheit, auf Draht umg;
    he is not all there er ist nicht ganz bei Trost;
    all up umg total fertig oder erledigt;
    it’s all up with him mit ihm ists aus;
    he of all people came ausgerechnet er kam;
    * * *
    1. attributive adjective

    all my money — all mein Geld; mein ganzes Geld

    stop all this noise/shouting! — hör mit dem Krach/Geschrei auf!

    all my books — all[e] meine Bücher

    All Fools' Day — der 1. April

    3) (any whatever) jeglicher/jegliche/jegliches
    2. noun

    one and all — [alle] ohne Ausnahme

    the happiest/most beautiful of all — der/die Glücklichste/die Schönste unter allen

    all of it/the money — alles/das ganze od. alles Geld


    all of (coll.): (as much as) be all of seven feet tall — gut sieben Fuß groß sein

    4) (all things) alles

    it's all the same or all one to me — es ist mir ganz egal od. völlig gleichgültig

    not at all happy/well — überhaupt nicht glücklich/gesund

    not at all! — überhaupt nicht!; (acknowledging thanks) gern geschehen!; nichts zu danken!

    two [goals] all — zwei zu zwei; (Tennis)

    3. adverb

    all the better/worse [for that] — um so besser/schlimmer

    all at once (suddenly) plötzlich; (simultaneously) alle[s] zugleich

    be all for something(coll.) sehr für etwas sein

    be all in (exhausted) total od. völlig erledigt sein (ugs.)

    go all out [to do something] — alles daransetzen[, etwas zu tun]

    be all ready [to go] — (coll.) fertig [zum Weggehen] sein (ugs.)

    something is all right — etwas ist in Ordnung; (tolerable) etwas ist ganz gut

    work out all right — gut gehen; klappen (ugs.)

    that's her, all right — das ist sie, ganz recht

    yes, all right — ja, gut

    it's all right by or with me — das ist mir recht

    I don't think he's all there(coll.) ich glaube, er ist nicht ganz da (ugs.)

    * * *
    all adj.
    ganz adj.
    jeder adj.
    sämtlich adj.

    English-german dictionary > all

  • 9 all

    [ɔːl] UK / US
    1. adj
    alle (-r, s)

    all day/night — den ganzen Tag/die ganze Nacht

    all the books/food — die ganzen Bücher/das ganze Essen

    2. pron

    I ate it all, I ate all of it — ich habe alles gegessen

    all of us/the boys went — wir gingen alle/alle Jungen gingen


    (in phrases) above all — vor allem

    at allnot at all (in answer to question) überhaupt nicht, (in answer to thanks) gern geschehen

    anything at all will do — es ist egal, welche (-r, s)

    3. adv

    all the more/the better — umso mehr/besser

    English-German mini dictionary > all

  • 10 all

    [ɔːl] UK / US
    1. adj
    alle (-r, s)

    all day/night — den ganzen Tag/die ganze Nacht

    all the books/food — die ganzen Bücher/das ganze Essen

    2. pron

    I ate it all, I ate all of it — ich habe alles gegessen

    all of us/the boys went — wir gingen alle/alle Jungen gingen


    (in phrases) above all — vor allem

    at allnot at all (in answer to question) überhaupt nicht, (in answer to thanks) gern geschehen

    anything at all will do — es ist egal, welche (-r, s)

    3. adv

    all the more/the better — umso mehr/besser

    English-German mini dictionary > all

  • 11 the

    ðə, ði
    (The form ðə is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house or consonant sound eg the union ðə'ju:njən; the form ði is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple or vowel sound eg the honour ði 'onə)
    1) (used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known: Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off!)
    2) (used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc: The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well.)
    3) (used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names: the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean).)
    4) (used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc: In this job we are paid by the hour.)
    5) (used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other: He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all.)
    6) ((often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc: He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it.)
    - the...
    determ. foran konsonant, ubetont: \/ħə\/, \/ħ\/, vokallyd, betont: \/ħɪ\/, i betydning 10: \/ħiː\/
    1) ( svarer til bestemt form) -en (hankjønn), -a (hunkjønn), -et (intetkjønn), -ene (flertall)
    can you see the old man?
    3) ( med substantivert adjektiv) den, det, de
    de holdt en gudstjeneste til minne om den\/de døde
    which river is the deepest?
    8) en, et
    he bought a car to the amount of £2000
    9) per
    they cost £10 the piece
    de koster £10 per stykk \/ de koster £10 stykket
    10) ( emfatisk) den berømte, den virkelige, den kjente
    are you the Mary Lewis?
    er du den kjente\/berømte Mary Lewis?
    han forklarete årsaken, men ikke den virkelige årsaken
    11) ( påpekende) den, det, de, maken til, for noe(n)
    the wretch!
    the idiots!
    adv. foraonsonantlyd: \/ħə\/ eller \/ħ\/, foran vokallyd: \/ħɪ\/
    1) jo..., desto, jo..., jo
    jo før du går til sengs, jo bedre vil du føle deg
    2) desto
    all the better desto bedre
    none the wiser ikke (stort) klokere
    the sooner the better jo før, jo bedre

    English-Norwegian dictionary > the

  • 12 -the life o life?-

    Nota d'uso
    Le regole grammaticali sull'uso dell'articolo determinativo the in inglese sono complesse e non prive di eccezioni. In linea di massima, quando si parla di sostantivi non numerabili o al plurale in senso generale, non si usa l'articolo: Life is difficult, la vita è difficile; I like cats, mi piacciono i gatti. L'articolo viene invece utilizzato quando si tratta di un particolare esempio di questi sostantivi: The life of a sailor, la vita di un marinaio; The boys in my class, i ragazzi della mia classe. Possibili eccezioni sono alcune parole che fanno parte della vita di tutti i giorni, della natura, e gruppi di persone noti a tutti: The buses are always crowded in the rush hour, gli autobus sono sempre affollati all'ora di punta; We always go to the mountains in August, andiamo sempre in montagna in agosto; The police have arrived, la polizia è arrivata.

    English-Italian dictionary > -the life o life?-

  • 13 the clock round

    (the clock (a)round (тж. (all) round или around the clock))
    круглосуточно, днём и ночью [around первонач. амер.]

    I feel as if I could sleep the clock round, and probably I shan't sleep a wink. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Over the River’, ch. XXXIII) — Мне кажется, что я просплю сутки, хотя, возможно, не сомкну глаз.

    An' I told some of 'em what Bob Elrick was like 'ere just after Dunkirk, workin' like a madman, 'e was workin' the clock round... (J. B. Priestley, ‘Daylight on Saturday’, ch. 21) — И я рассказал им, как вел себя Боб Элрик здесь после Дюнкерка: работал как бешеный, круглые сутки...

    ‘No wonder you're skinny,’ she said. ‘Boys of your age need to sleep the clock round.’ (C. P. Snow, ‘Time of Hope’, ch. I) — - Не приходится удивляться, что ты такой тощий, - сказала тетушка Милли. - Ребятам в твоем возрасте надо спать круглые сутки.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > the clock round

  • 14 all but

    تَقْرِيبًا \ about: not exactly; a little before or after; a little more or less: about 9 o’clock; about 50 boys. all but: nearly: Our boat all but sank in the storm. almost: nearly: I have almost finished. He is very old - almost eighty. approximately: nearly, but not exactly: The box weighed approximately 10 kilos. as good as: nearly: The match is as good as won. close on: nearly: There were close on a hundred people at the meeting. more or less: about, but not exactly: It’s 20 miles away, more or less. She’s more or less ready, but she can’t find her handbag. near: close to, in time: It was near midnight when he got home. nearly: almost: She’s nearly ready. It’s nearly six o’clock.. odd: (after a guessed number which is the nearest 10 or 100 or 1000 below the actual number) and more: 50-odd boys (between 50 and 60); 600-odd girls (between 600 and 700). practically: nearly: She’s practically ready. pretty well: almost: The paint is pretty well dry. roughly: (with numbers and amounts) not exactly; about: roughly 50 trees; roughly a mile away. to all intents and purposes: in regard to all that matters: To all intents and purposes, the work is finished (though a few unimportant points remain to be dealt with).

    Arabic-English glossary > all but

  • 15 ALL-

    may be prefixed to almost every adjective and adverb in an intensive sense, very, extremely.
    * * *
    may in old writers be prefixed to almost every adjective and adverb in an intensive sense, like Engl. very, Lat. per-, Gr. οια-, ζα-. In common talk and modern writings it is rare (except after a negative), and denotes something below the average, viz. tolerably, pretty well, not very well; but in the Sagas, something capital, exceeding. In high style it may perhaps be used in the old sense, e. g. allfagrt ljós oss birtist brátt, a transl. of the Ambrosian hymn, Aurora lucis rutilat. The instances in old writers are nearly endless, e. g. all-annt, n. adj. very eager, Fms. ii. 41; ironically, 150. all-apr, adj. very sore, very harsh, v. apr. all-auðsóttligt, n. adj. very easy, Fs. 40. all-auðveldliga, adv. very easily, Fms. iv. 129. all-auðveldligr, adj. very easy, Fms. v. 331. all-auðveldr, adj. id., Fbr. 158: neut. as adv., Hkr. ii. 76. all-ágætr, adj. very famous, Fms. ii. 76. all-áhyggjusamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very careful, Fms. vi. 184. all-ákafliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hot, impetuous, Hkr. i. 234, ii. 32. all-ákaft, adj. very fast, Nj. 196. all-áræðiliga, adv. very likely, Fær. 183. all-áræðislítill, adj. very timid, Fms. vi. 217. all-ástúðligt, n. adj. very hearty, intimate, Fms. ii. 20. all-banvænn, adj. very likely to prove mortal, Orkn. 148. all-beinn, adj. very hospitable, Fms. ii. 84, Eb. 286: neut. as adv., Fær. 259. all-beiskr, adj. very harsh, bitter, Sturl. iii. 167. all-bert, n. adj. very manifest, Lex. Poët. all-bitr, adj. very biting, sharp, Sks. 548. all-bitrligr, adj. of a very sharp appearance, Vígl. 20. all-bjartr, adj. very bright, Fms. viii. 361. all-bjúgr, adj. very much bent, curved, Ölkofr. 39. all-blár, adj. very blue, Glúm. 394. all-blíðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very blithely, kindly, Fær. 132. all-blíðr, adj. very mild, amiable, Sd. 158, Fms. i. 202. all-bráðgörr, adj. very soon mature, Eb. 16. all-bráðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hastily, Orkn. 72. all-bráðr, adj. very hot-headed, Njarð. 370: neut. as adv. very soon, Fms. xi. 51: dat. pl. all-bráðum, as adv. very suddenly, 139. all-bros-ligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very funny, laughable, Fms. iii. 113. all-dasigr, adj. very sluggish, Lex. Poët. all-digr, adj. very big, stout; metaph. puffed up, Nj. 236. all-djarfliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very boldly, Fms. ii. 313, Orkn. 102. all-djúpsettr, adj. very deep, thoughtful, Bret. 158. all-drengiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very bold, gallant, Lv. 110. all-dræmt, n. adj. very boastfully, from dramb, superbia, (the modern word is dræmt = slowly, sluggishly); þeir létu a. yfir sér, boasted, Sturl. ii. 56. MS. Mus. Brit. 1127; Cod. A. M. has allvænt, prob. wrongly. all-dyggr, adj. very doughty, Lex. Poët. all-dýrr, adj. very dear, Fms. iii. 159. all-eiguligr, adj. very worth having, Sd. 146. all-eina (theol.), á Guð alleina (a hymn), alone: Hkr. iii. 339 (in a spurious chapter). all-einarðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very sincere, candid, open, Ld. 334. all-eldiligr and -elliligr, adj. of a very aged appearance, Fms. iii. 125. all-fagr, adj. very bright, fair, Orkn. 296 old Ed.: neut. as adv. very fairly, Sturl. i. 72. all-fast, n. adj. very firmly, steadfastly, Eb. 290, Fær. 259. all-fastorðr, adj. very ‘wordfast,’ very true to his word, Fms. vii. 120. all-fálátr, adj. very taciturn, close, Fas. iii. 408. all-fáliga, adv. on very cold terms, Sturl. iii. 298. all-fámáligr, adj. very close, of very few words, Fms. iii. 85, iv. 366. all-fámennr, adj. followed by very few people, Sturl. ii. 122, Magn. 386. all-far, adj. very few, Eg. 512, Ld. 272, Ísl. ii. 356: neut. on very cold terms, Fms. xi. 55. all-fáræðinn, adj. of very few words, Fms. iv. 312. all-feginn, adj. very ‘fain,’ glad, Eg. 240, Ld. 330. all-feginsamliga, adv. very ‘fain,’ gladly, Eg. 27. all-feigligr, adj. having the mark of death very plain on one’s face, v. feigr, Sturl. iii. 234. all-feitr, adj. very fat, Fms. x. 303. all-ferliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very rudely, Fms. iv. 263. all-fémikill, adj. very costly, Ld. 298. all-fjarri, adv. very far, far from, metaph., Hkr. ii. 246; eigi a., not improper, Fbr. 15. all-fjartekit, part. very far-fetched, Skálda 166. all-fjölgan, adj. acc. very numerous (does not exist in nom.), Sks. 138 A. all-fjölkunnigr, adj. very deeply versed in sorcery, Fms. ii. 175, Fas. i. 412. all-fjölmeðr and -mennr, adj. followed, attended by very many people, much frequented, Eg. 724, 188, Hkr. i. 215: n. sing. in very great numbers, Fms. i. 36. all-fjölrætt, n. adj. very heedful, much talked of, Nj. 109. all-forsjáll, adj. very prudent, Hom. 115. all-framr, adj. very famous, Lex. Poët.; very far forward, Grett. 161 A. all-frekliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very daringly, impudently, Fas. i. 24. all-frekr, adj. too eager, too daring, Fms. vii. 164. all-friðliga, adv. in very great peace, Lex. Poët. all-fríðr, adj. very beautiful, Eg. 23, Hkr. i. 225, ii. 354, Fms. i. 2. all-frjáls, adj. very free, independent, v. alfrjáls. all-fróðligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very wise, learned, Sks. 306 B. all-fróðr, adj. very learned, Sks. 30. all-frægr, adj. very famous, Fms. ii. 324, Hkr. i. 232, ii. 187, Ld. 122. all-frækiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj., and all-frækn, adj. and -liga, adv. very bold, boldly, Ísl. ii. 267, Hkr. i. 239, Fms. i. 121. all-fúss, adj. and -liga, adv. very eager, eagerly, Eg. 488, Fms. xi. 89. all-fýsiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very desirable, Eg. 19, 468. all-fölr, adj. very pale, Lex. Poët. all-gagnsamr, adj. very profitable, gainful, Ísl. ii. 56. all-gamall, adj. very old, Hkr. i. 34. all-gegniliga and -gegnliga, adv. very fittingly, Sturl. ii. 63. all-gemsmikill, adj. very wanton, frolicsome, Sturl. ii. 57. all-gerla and -görviligr, v. -görla, -görviligr. all-gestrisinn, adj. very hospitable, Háv. 40. all-geysilegr, adj. and -liga, adv. very impetuous, Fms. x. 81. all-gildliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. with a very grand air, Grett. 121. all-gildr, adj. very grand, Lex. Poët. all-giptusam-liga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very lucky, Fms. x. 53. all-glaðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very joyfully, joyful, Fms. iii. 143, Lv. 55. all-glaðr, adj. very joyful, Eg. 163, Ld. 176. all-gleymr, adj. very gleeful, mirthful, in high spirits, [glaumr], verða a. við e-t, Sturl. iii. 152, Eb. 36. all-glæsiliga, adj. and -ligr, adv. very shiny, Eb. 34, Fas. iii. 626, Fms. ix. 430. all-glöggsær, adj. very transparent, dearly visible, metaph., þorf. Karl. 380. all-glöggt, n. adj. very exactly, Hkr. iii. 253, Fas. iii. 13. all-góðmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very kindly, kind, Mag. 6. all-góðr, adj. very good, Nj. 222, Eg. 36, 198. all-greiðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very easy, easily, Eb. 268: neut. as adv., Eb. l. c. all-grimmliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very grimly, fiercely, Fas. iii. 414. all-grimmr, adj. very cruel, fierce, Hkr. iii. 167. all-grun-samliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very suspiciously, Ísl. ii. 364. all-göfugr, adj. very distinguished, Eg. 598, Bs. i. 60. all-görla, adv. very clearly, precisely, Hkr. iii. 133, Fms. xi. 15. all-görviligr, adj. very stout, manly, Fms. ii. 28. all-hagstæðr, adj. with a very fair wind, Sturl. iii. 109. all-harðligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very hard, stern, Fas. i. 382. all-harðr, adj. very hard, stern, Fms. i. 177: n. sing. severely, Nj. 165, Grág. i. 261. all-háskasamligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very hazardous, Fms. v. 135. all-heiðinn, adj. quite heathen, Fs. 89 (in a verse). all-heilagr, adj. very sacred, Lex. Poët. all-heimskliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very foolish, frantic, Hkr. ii. 190, Fas. iii. 293. all-heimskr, adj. very silly, stupid, Eg. 376, Grett. 159. all-heppinn, adj. very lucky, happy, Lex. Poët. all-herðimikill, adj. very broad-shouldered, Eg. 305. all-hermannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very martial, Fms. xi. 233. all-hjaldrjúgr, adj. very gossipping, chattering, Lv. 57: neut. as adv., Vápn. 10. all-hógliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very gently, Fms. xi. 240, vi. 274. all-hóleitr and -háleitr, adj. very sublime, Hom. 23. all-hór and -hár, adj. very high, tall, v. -hár. all-hratt, n. adj. in all speed, Lex. Poët. all-hraustliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very bravely, Fms. viii. 289, Eb. 34. all-hraustr, adj. very valiant, Fms. viii. 267. all-hreystimannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very valiantly, Fms. xi. 95. all-hrumliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very infirmly from age, Fas. ii. 91. all-hræddr, adj. very much afraid, Fbr. 94. all-hræðinn, adj. very timid, Fms. vi. 155. all-huml;mgsjúkr, adj. very grieved, heart-sick, Hkr. i. 243, Fms. vi. 133. all-hvass, adj. of the wind, blowing very sharp, Fms. ix. 20, Lex. Poët. all-hyggi-ligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very carefully, Fas. iii. 610. all-hýrliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very blandly, with a very bright face, Fas. iii. 636. all-hæðiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very ridiculous, Finnb. 312. all-hældreginn, adj. walking very much on one’s heels, dragging the heels very much in walking, of an aged or beggarly person, Band. 9. all-hœgliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very softly, meekly, Fms. xi. 389. all-hœlinn, adj. very bragging, Lex. Poët. all-iðinn, adj. very diligent, laborious, Bs. i. 278. all-illa, adv. and -illr, adj. very badly, bad, wicked, Nj. 242, cp. ilia; ill-willed, Eg. 542: compar., vera allver um, to be worse off, Nj. 221 (Ed. allvant); angry, Lv. 145; disgraceful, Eg. 237; unfortunate, Sturl. ii. 47. all-jafnlyndr, adj. very calm, even-tempered, Fms. vi. 287. all-kaldr, adj. very cold, Vápn. 21. all-kappsamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. with very much zeal, liberally, Hkr. i. 271; veita a., of hospitality, Ld. 292; mæla a., frankly, peremptorily, 296. all-kappsamr, adj. very eager, vehement, Eg. 187. all-karlmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very manfully, Fms. x. 141. all-kaupmannliga, adv. in a very businesslike, tradesmanlike way, Fms. v.255. all-kátligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very funny, Grett. 112. all-kátr, adj. very joyful, Nj. 18, Eg. 44, 332. all-keppinn, adj. very snappish, Lex. Poët. all-kerskiligr and -keskiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very sarcastic, biting, Sturl. ii. 196. all-klókr, adj. very shrewd, Hkr. iii. 317. all-knáliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very stoutly, vigorously, Rd. 312. all-kostgæflliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very earnestly, in a very painstaking way, Stj. all-kostigr, adj. very excellent, Lex. Poët. all-kviklatr, adj. very quick, lively, Ld. 270. all-kynliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very strangely, strange, Ísl. ii. 58, Fms. ii. 227, Grett. 160. all-kyrrligr, adj. very quiet, tranquil, Háv. 49. all-kærr, adj. very dear, beloved, Eg. 139, Fms. i. 48; very fond of, Hkr. i. 194: neut., Eg. 116, of mutual love. all-langr, adj. very long, Háv. 49. all-laust, n. adj. very loosely, Fms. xi. 103. all-lágr, adj. very low, short of stature, Fbr. 68. all-lengi, adv. very long, K. Þ. K. 158. all-léttbrúnn, adj. of very brightened, cheerful countenance, Ld. 94. all-léttiliga, adv. very lightly, Fas. iii. 612. all-léttmælt, n. adj., vera a. um e-t, to speak in a very lively way, Fms. iv. 261. all-léttr, adj. very light (in weight), Fas. iii. 487. all-líkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. in very agreeable, courteous terms, Fas. i. 84. all-likligr, adj. very likely, Fas. ii. 247, Sks. 669. all-líkr, adj. very like, Fas. iii. 579, Sd. 160, Korm. 142. all-lítilfjörligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very puny, prop. having little life in one, Háv. 54. all-lítill, adj. very little, Fær. 268: n. sing. all-lítt, as adv. very little, Nj. 108, 130, Korm. 172; poorly, Grett. 116. all-lyginn, adj. very given to lying, Fbr. 157. all-makligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very deserving, fitting, Sturl. iii. 127, Bjarn. 22. all-mann-fátt, n. adj. with very few people, Gísl. 31. all-mannhættr, adj. very dangerous, Fas. iii. 34. all-mannskæðr, adj. very full of manskathe, very murderous, Fms. ii. 512. all-mannæenligr, adj. a very promising man, Fms. iv. 254. all-mannvænn, adj. a man of very great promise, Hkr. ii. 182. all-margliga, adv. very affably, Sturl. iii. 27. all-margmæltr, part. very talkative, Sturl. ii. 179. all-margr, adj. very numerous, pl. very many, Nj. 32, Grág. ii. 176, Sks. 328, Gþl. 329. all-margrætt, n. adj. part. very much spoken of, Fms. viii. 275. all-málugr, adj. very loquacious, Hkr. iii. 152, 655 xi. 2. all-máttfarinn, adj. very much worn out, with very little strength left, Fas. ii. 356. all-máttlítill, adj. very weak, Fms. i. 159. all-meginlauss, adj. very void of strength, Fms. xi. 103. all-mikilfengligr, adj. very high and mighty, very imposing, Fs. all-mikill, adj. very great, Ísl. ii. 269, Nj. 193, Eg. 29, 39: neut. as adv. greatly, Fms. i. 24, vii. 110. all-mikilmannliga, adv. very nobly, Sturl. i. 33. all-misjafn, adj. very variously, unfavourably, in such phrases as, mæla a. um e-t, there were very different stories about the matter, leggja a. til, ganga a. undir, taka a. á, Eg. 242, Hkr. ii. 123, Fms. i. 86, vii. no, Ld. 166. all-mjór, adj. very slim, slender, narrow, Hkr. iii. 117, Gþl. 173. all-mjök, adv. very much, Nj. 134, Ld. 196, Eg. 19; féllu þá a. menn, in very great numbers, Fms. i. 173. all-myrkr, adj. very dark, Fms. ix. 23. all-mæðiliga, adv. with very great effort, heavily, Fms. ix. 16. all-nauðigr, adj. and -liga, adv. very reluctant, unwilling, Grett. 153; a. staddr, dangerously, Fms. v. 212. all-náinn, adj. very near, nearly related, Sks. 330. all-náttförull, adj. very much given to wandering by night, Lex. Poët. all-níðskárr, adj. of a poet, given to mocking, satirical verse, [níð and skáld (?)], Fms. ii. 7. all-nóg, adv. very abundantly, Sd. 182. all-nær, adv. very near, Fms. vii. 289; metaph., lagði a. at, pretty nearly, well-nigh, Fs., Sks. 684 B. all-nærri, adv. very near, Ld. 202, Fas. iii. 339. all-opt, adv. very often, Anecd. 38, Gþl. 169. all-orðfátt, n. adj. in the phrase, göra a. urn, to be very short of words as to, Bjarn. 31. all-ógurligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very frightful, Edda 41. all-ólmliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very furiously, Fas. iii. 546, Bárð. 177. áll-óttalaust, n. adj. with very little to fear, Eg. 371, v. l. all-ramskipaðr, adj. part. very strongly manned, Fms. iii. 13. all-rauðr, adj. very red, Ld. 182. all-ráðligr, adj. very expedient, advisable, Grett. 145. all-reiðiligr, adj. looking very wrathful, Fms. iv. 161. all-reiðr, adj. very wroth, angry, Edda 57, Nj. 135, Eg. 139. all-ríkmarmligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very grand, pompous, magnificent, Fms. i. 213. all-ríkr, adj. very powerful, Fms. i. 115. all-rýrliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very feebly, puny, Fbr. 28. all-röskliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very smart, brisk, Fms. viii. 317. all-sannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very likely, ‘soothlike,’ Fms. iv. 270. all-sáttgjarnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very placable, of mild disposition, Sturl. iii. 288. all-seinn, adj. very slow, Bs. i. 192: neut. as adv. slowly, Grett. 151 A. all-sigrsæll, adj. very victorious, having very good luck in war, Hkr. i. 28. all-skammr, adj. very short, very scant, Nj. 264: neut. substantively, a very short way, Finnb. 324; short distance, Fms. iv. 329. all-skapliga, adv. very fittingly, properly, Grett. 120. all-skapværr, adj. of a very gentle, meek disposition, Sturl. all-skapþungt, n. adj., vera a., to be in a very gloomy, depressed state of mind, Fms. iv. 26. all-skarpr, adj. very sharp, Lex. Poët. all-skeinuhættr, adj. very dangerous, vulnerable, Sturl. ii. 139. all-skemtiligr, adj. very amusing, Sturl. ii. 77. all-skillítill, adj. very slow-witted, dull, Sturl. j. 89. all-skjallkænliga, adv. [skjalla, to flatter], very coaxingly, Grett. 131 A. all-skjótt, n. adj. as adv. very soon, Nj. 236. all-skrautligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very smart, splendid, Fas. ii. 366, Mag. 11. all-skygn, adj. very sharp-sighted, Hrafn. 33. all-skyldr, adj. bound to, very obligatory; neut. = bounden duty, Sks. 484; deserved, Gþl. 61:
    β. nearly related, near akin, Fms. xi. 75. all-skyndiliga, adv. very quickly, Blas. 40. all-skynsamliga, adv. very judiciously, Sturl. iii. 161. all-skyrugr, adj. all curd-besprent, Grett. 107 A. all-sköruliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very frankly, boldly, dignified, Sturl. iii. 39, Fms. ix. 5, Ld. 94 C, 226, Bs. i. all-sljáliga, adv. very slowly, sluggishly, Grett. 101 A. all-smár, adj. very small, Fms. v. 55, xi. 61. all-snarpliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very sharply, smartly, Fms. viii. 346. all-snarpr, adj. very sharp, Fms. i. 38, Nj. 246. all-snemma, adv. very early, Fms. ii. 223. all-snjallr, adj. very shrewd, clever, Fms. viii. 367. all-snúðula, adv. very quickly, Lex. Poët. all-snæfr, adj. very brisk, id. all-snöfurmannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very brisk and energetic looking, of a man, Fms. xi. 79. all-spakliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very mildly, moderately, wisely, Hkr. ii. 41. all-spakr, adj. very gentle, wise, Fms. vi. 298. all-starsýnn, adj. who stares very hard at a thing, looking fixedly upon, Fms. vi. 203. all-sterkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very briskly, strongly, Ld. 158, Fas. iii. 612. all-sterkr, adj. very strong, Hkr. i. 238, Eg. 285; Ísl. ii. 461 ( very vehement); as a pr. name, Fms. iii. 183. all-stilliliga, adv. very calmly, in a very composed manner, Ld. 318. all-stirðr, adj. very stiff, Háv. 46. all-stórhöggr, adj. dealing very hard blows, Fms. i. 171. all-stórliga, adv. very haughtily, Hkr. ii. 63, Ld. 168. all-stórmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very munificently, nobly, Fas. iii. 45; haughtily, Sd. 146. all-stórorðr, adj. using very big words, Eg. 340, Ld. 38 ( very boisterous). all-stórr, adj. very great, metaph. big, puffed up, Ld. 318; dat. all-stórum, as adv. very largely, Edda 32. all-strangr, adj. very rapid, Lex. Poët. all-styggr, adj. very ill-humoured, cross, Grett. 103 A. all-styrkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very stoutly, Stj. 402. all-styrkr, adj. very strong, Fms. i. 177. all-svangr, adj. very hungry, Lex. Poët. all-svinnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very wisely, prudently, wise, Fas. i. 95, ii. 266. all-sættfúss, adj. very placable, peace-loving, very willing to accept an atonement, Sturl. iii. 19. all-sœmiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very seemly, decorous, honourable, Hkr. i. 215, Ísl. ii. 163. all-tiginn, adj. very princely, Lex. Poët. all-tillátsamr, adj. very indulgent, lenient, Þórð. 12. all-tíðrætt, n. adj. very much talked of, much spoken of, Eg. 99, Sturl. i. 199. all-tíðvirkr, adj. very quick at work, Fms. xi. 377. all-torfyndr, adj. very hard to find, Fms. vii. 356. all-torfært, n. adj. very hard to pass, cross, Eg. 546. all-torsótt, n. adj. part. very difficult to reach, Eg. 546. all-tortryggiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very suspiciously, Sturl. ii. 47. all-torveldligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very difficult, Str. all-trauðr, adj. very slow, unwilling, Fms. xi. 39. all-tregr, adj. very tardy, Fær. 114, Bárð. 178. all-trúr, adj. very true. Fms. vi. 377. all-tryggr, adj. very trusty, Hkr. iii. 167. all-tvítugr, false reading, instead of eigi alls t., not quite twenty, Sturl. i. 181. all-undarligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very odd, wonderful, Fms. ii. 150. all-ungr, adj. very young, Eg. 268, Fms. i. 14, Ld. 274. all-úbeinskeyttr, adj. shooting very badly, Fms. ii. 103. all-úblíðr, adj. very harsh, unkind, Fas. ii. all-úbragðligr, adj. very ill-looking, Sturl. iii. 234. all-údæll, adj. very spiteful, untractable, Sturl. i. 99. all-úfagr, adj. very ugly, metaph., Fms. iii. 154. all-úfimliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very awkwardly, Fas. ii. 543. all-úframliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very backward, shy, timid, Fbr. 38 C. all-úfríðr, adj. very ugly, Fms. xi. 227. all-úfrýnn, adj. very sullen, ‘frowning,’ sour, Eg. 525. all-úfrægr, adj. very inglorious, Fms. iv. 259. all-úglaðr, adj. very gloomy, sad, Hkr. iii. 379. all-úhægr, adj. very difficult, Eg. 227. all-úhöfðingligr, adj. very low-looking, very plebeian, Finnb. 222. all-úkátr, adj. very sorrowful, Edda 35, Eg. 223, Fms. i. 37. all-úknár, adj. very weak of frame, Grett. 119 A, very badly knit; Bs. i. 461 (of boys). all-úkonungligr, adj. very unkingly, Fms. viii. 158. all-úkunnigr, adj. quite unknown, Ísl. ii. 412. all-úlífligr, adj. very unlikely to live, Hkr. ii. 200. all-úlíkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very unlikely, Gísl. 24, Sd. 123, Finnb. 310. all-úlíkr, adj. very unlike, Glúm. 364. all-úlyginn, adj. not at all given to lie, truthful, Fbr. 157. all-úmáttuliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. weakly, very weak, tender, Fms. iv. 318. all-úráðinn, adj. part. very ‘unready’ (cp. Ethelred the ‘unready’), undecided, Lv. 9. all-úráðliga, adv. very unadvisedly, rashly, Odd. 12 old Ed. all-úsannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very untruthful, unjust; also, unlikely, Fms. vii. 141. all-úsáttfúss, adj. very implacable, unwilling to come to terms, Sturl. iii. 275. all-úskyldr, adj. very strange to, not at all bound to…, Eg. 10. all-úspakr, adj. very unruly, Sturl. ii. 61. all-úsváss, adj. very uncomfortable, of weather, cold and rainy, Bs. i. 509. all-úsýnn, adj. very uncertain, doubtful, Glúm. 358, Sturl. i. 105. all-úsæligr, adj. of very poor, wretched appearance, Niðrst. 109. all-úvinsæll, adj. very unpopular, Fms. iv. 369, Fas. iii. 520. all-úvísliga, adv. very unwisely, Niðrst. 6. all-úvænliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. of very unfavourable prospect, Fas. ii. 266; n. adj. very unpromising, Grett. 148 A. all-úvænn, adi. very ugly, Fas. i. 234; very unpromising, unfavourable, Ísl. ii. 225: neut. as adv. unfavourably, Fms. xi. 134. all-úþarfr, adj. very unthrifty, very unprofitable, something that had better be prevented, Eg. 576, Hkr. ii. 245. all-vandlátr, adj. very difficult, hard to please, Fms. vi. 387. all-vandliga, adv. with very great pains, exactly, carefully, Sks. 658 B. all-vant, n. adj., vera a. um e-t, to be in a very great strait, Nj. 221. all-varfærr, adj. very careful, solicitous, Eg. 63. all-vaskligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very brisk, smart, gallant, Hkr. i. 104; compar. v. alvaskligr. all-vaskr, adj. very brisk, gallant, Fms. viii. 226. all-vandr, adj. very bad, of clothes, much worn, Pm. 11. all-vápndjarfr, adj. very bold, daring in arms, Hkr. iii. 63. all-veðrlítið, n. adj. very calm, with little wind, Fms. vi. 360. all-vegliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very grand, princely, nobly, Fms. i. 20, Eg. 332, Hkr. i. 15. all-vel, adv. very well, Nj. 12, Eg. 78, 198; compar. albetr, v. alvel. all-vesall, adj. very puny, wretched, Nj. 97. all-vesalliga, adv. very wretchedly, Ölk. 35. all-vesalmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. id., Ísl. ii. 416. all-vesæll, adj. very miserable, base, vile, Nj. 97. all-vingjarnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very friendly, amicable, Sturl. ii. 168. all-vingott, n. adj. on very friendly terms, Fbr. 129. all-vinsæll, adj. very popular, used of a man blessed with many friends, Fms. i. 184, ii. 44, Orkn. 104 old Ed. all-virðuligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very worthy, dignified, Fms. x. 84, Bs. i. 83. all-vitr, adj. very wise, Sks. 29 B (superl.) all-vitrliga, adv. very wisely, Fas. ii. 66. all-víða and all-vítt, n. adj. very widely, Hkr. iii. 141, Lex. Poët. all-vígliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. in a very warlike manner, Fms. ix. 488, Fas. ii. 112. all-vígmannliga, adv. very martially, Fas. iii. 150. all-vígmóðr, adj. quite wearied out with fighting, Introd. to Helgakviða (Sæm.) all-víss, adj. very wise, sure, Sks. 520, Lex. Poët.: neut. to a dead certainty, Lex. Poët. all-vænliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very promising, handsome, Glúm. 349, Fms. v. 260, Fbr. 114. all-vænn, adj. id., Clem. 24, Bs. i. 340: neut., þykja a. um, to be in high spirits, Ísl. ii. 361; make much of, Fms. ii. 76; as adv. favourably, Fms. iv. 192. all-vörpuligr, adj. of a very stout, stately frame, Hkr. ii. 254. all-vöxtuligr, adj. very tall, of large growth, Fas. iii. 627. all-þakkligr, adj. very pretty, = þekkiligr, Lex. Poët. all-þakksamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very thankfully, Fms. i. 120, Ld. 298. all-þarfliga, adv. very thriftily, very pressingly; biðja a., to beg very hard, Edda 45. all-þarfr, adj. very thrifty, Lex. Poët. all-þéttr, adj. very crowded, cp. Lex. Poët. all-þrekligr, adj. of a very robust frame, Hkr. ii. 2. all-þröngr, adj. as neut. in a very great crowd, Edda 24. all-þungliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hard, unwilling, reluctant, Sturl. ii. 120; taka a. á e-m, to be very hard upon, Mag. 1. all-þungr, adj. very unfavourable, Hkr. ii. 358; hostile, badly disposed towards, Eb. 108, Eg. 332; þykja a., to dislike, Fms. viii. 441; a. orð, to blame, Sturl. ii. 62. all-þykkr, adj. very thick, Fas. i. 339: n. sing. as adv. thickly, Fms. vii. 70 (of great numbers slain on the battle-field). all-æfr, adj. very furious, wrath, Ísl. ii. 258, Lv. 60, Fas. i. 404. all-ægiligr, adj. very terrible, Dropl. 18. all-æstr, adj. very incited, vehement, Nj. 231. all-örorðr, adj. very quick-tongued, frank, outspoken, Eg. 340. all-öruggliga, adv. very steadfastly, very firmly, Grett. 153 A. all-öruggr, adj. very unflinching, Bs. i. 624.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ALL-

  • 16 the more boys that help, the less work they do

    syn: two boys are half a boy, and three boys are no boy at all
    два хлопчика – це півхлопчика, а три хлопчика – ні одного хлопчика чим більше хлопчиків, що допомагають, тим менше роботи вони роблять

    English-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > the more boys that help, the less work they do

  • 17 all very fine etc

    adj infml

    That's all very fine, but how do you propose to do all this in a couple of days? — Все это, конечно, хорошо, но как вы собираетесь все это сделать за два дня?

    The doctor told her to avoid worry and get a lot of more rest. "All very fine for some", she thought, "but look at me - a widow with four children" — Врач посоветовал ей не волноваться и побольше отдыхать. "Легко сказать, - подумала она, - а как быть мне с четырьмя детьми на руках"

    It's all very well to smack little boys at school but you cannot compel adults that way — Конечно, школьников можно всегда отшлепать, но взрослых таким образом не заставишь

    It's all very well but how can you get the money? — Все это, конечно, хорошо, но где достать деньги?

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > all very fine etc

  • 18 get the wind up

    испугаться, струсить, струхнуть; переполошиться

    ‘The Gold Stealing Commission was just what they wanted.’ ‘Must've been a bit of fun over that,’ Bill surmised. ‘There was a bit of fun, all right,’ Dinny agreed, ‘Like as if you'd stirred up an ants' nest with a big stick. All the boys were scurryin' to get rid of any stuff they might have lyin' about. But it was the gold buyers and big boys in the racket got the wind up most of all.’ (K. S. Prichard, ‘Golden Miles’, ch. II) — - А тут как раз создали комиссию по борьбе с хищениями золота, и это пришлось очень кстати. - Вот уж, верно, суматоха поднялась! - заметил Билл. - Да, суматоха была немалая, - подтвердил Динни. - Словно муравейник разворошили. Все, у кого застряло хоть немного руды, бросились ее сбывать. Но кто особенно переполошился, так это скупщики золота и крупные воротилы с черной биржи.

    ‘I'll tell Father Joseph how you came trying to blacken the name of a poor little innocent child.’ ‘I didn't do anything of the sort...’ ‘Now you've got the wind up, you're trying to eat your words. If you don't go away, I'll have the police on you.’ (J. Lindsay, ‘A Local Habitaion’, ch. 20) — - Я на вас отцу Джозефу пожалуюсь, расскажу, как вы шатаетесь по квартирам и пытаетесь очернить бедного, ни в чем не повинного ребенка. - Да у меня и в мыслях не было... - Ага, получили сдачи и теперь в кусты! Если вы сейчас же не уберетесь вон, я позову полицейского.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > get the wind up

  • 19 go off the deep end

    1) потерять самообладание, выйти из себя, вспылить, разозлиться, погорячиться

    I happen to mention the other day to a well-known literateur that I had the honour and pleasure of your friendship. He thereupon went off the deep end, cursing you loudly and bitterly for taking part in the recent Leith by-election... (S. O'Casey, ‘Rose and Crown’, ‘Feathering His Nest’) — На днях в разговоре с известным литератором я сказал, что имею честь и удовольствие быть вашим другом. Услышав это, он вспылил, стал кричать и ругал вас на чем свет стоит за участие в недавних дополнительных выборах в Лисе...

    Ivor, tried to explain and then I tried to explain and then about forty people in the office went off the deep end, so I said I'd meet him for lunch. (J. B. Priestley, ‘Angel Pavement’, ch. V) — Айвор пытался объяснить мне все, а потом я пробовала объяснить ему, а затем все сорок человек у нас в конторе как с цепи сорвались, и тогда я сказала ему, что мы встретимся за завтраком.

    2) действовать сгоряча, необдуманно, поступать опрометчиво, безрассудно; идти на крайности (тж. амер. жарг. jump off the deep end)

    I know what makes him go off the deep end all the time, though of course I think he ought to control himself better. (J. B. Priestley, ‘Daylight on Saturday’, ch. 34) — Я понял, что постоянно толкает его на безрассудства, хотя, конечно, ему бы следовало крепче держать себя в руках.

    Mrs. Fitz: "There's something wrong with that girl, I'm afraid." Clancy: "Gone off the deep end." Mrs. Fitz: "I've seen her about a lot lately with one of the officers from the Dutch ship in dock for repair." Clancy: "Yes - and drinking like a fish." (D. Cusack, ‘Shoulder the Sky’, act I) — Миссис Фитц: "Боюсь, что-то неладное с девчонкой." Клэнси: "Пустилась во все тяжкие." Миссис Фитц: "Я часто встречала ее последнее время с одним офицером с голландского судна, стоящего в доке на ремонте." Клэнси: "Да и пить стала она без всякой меры."

    ...she never seemed to mix with the other children, never brought her friends home, wasn't interested in boys. Maybe if they had tried to make her live a normal life, she wouldn't have gone off the deep end the way she had over the first boy she fell in love with. (D. Cusack, ‘Say No to Death’, ch. 2) —...она никогда не дружила с другими детьми, никогда не приводила друзей домой, не интересовалась мальчишками. Может быть, если бы родители меньше опекали ее, у нее не зашло бы все так далеко с первым же парнем, который ей понравился.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > go off the deep end

  • 20 fall by the wayside

    потерпеть неудачу, бросить на полдороге, выйти из строя раньше времени; спорт. не дойти до финиша [этим. библ. Luke VIII, 5, Matthew XIII, 4]

    We have started the course with twenty-five studentes, but that does not mean that they will all complete it; we always expect a certain number to fall by the wayside. (EVI) — Мы организовали курс лекций для двадцати пяти студентов, но это не означает, что они все прослушают его. Всегда можно ожидать, что часть студентов отсеется.

    The boys tried to make a 50-mile hike, but most of them fell by the wayside. (DAI) — Мальчики отправились в пятидесятимильный туристский поход, но большинство с полдороги вернулись обратно.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > fall by the wayside

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